《超级保镖》又名赎命追击、Executive Protection、Protection - Mit tödlicher Sicherheit(德)、人身保全、人身保安。
After causing a commotion with his last assignment, Falk has been given a desk ***, which hardly agrees with his personality, and he ends up accepting an offer from an old friend to buy into a private investigation agency. Another friend of Falk's, Sven, purchased a business in Estonia, and when local gangsters attempted to pressure him into paying protection money, Sven retain...
bemyself 2009-12-25
actually , the tempo is rather slow as a action movie
#瞬间收藏家# 2009-09-04
青年才俊被派去负责自行车**案件,郁郁不得志于是去当业余保镖的故事 | 人质身上的**造型挺别致,森林风景很不错
故乡的晨曦 2024-06-26