《Negra Soy》又名Black I am。
Through their stories, three women and a girl symbolize the wishes of the Punta Gorda community, the first Garifuna community in the history of Honduras, and it is here that women are the fabric that unites tradition and their ancestors with new generations
丹良 2022-08-07
#75th LocarnoFF#Open Doors shorts 很喜欢这部的色调 水天一色,像薄荷像海盐 生活化有诗意的场景,带着野性的呼唤 平淡的语调讲述的痛苦,实际上也是对黑人女性身份的自我认可。很缓慢但很有力量的一部短片。
夏小正 2022-08-13
看简介才知当地社区,记录才make sense。朗诵和鼓点的探索,更像演讲仅配画
Q影誌 2022-08-13
#locarno短片 又一部Garifuna(另一部Liremu Barana / Soul of the Sea)。片中木有男人啊。Black I am!
阿飞 2022-08-04
#75th LocarnoFF#Open Doors shorts以自信且自足的姿态对抗不公,一种有意识的自我认同/身份**。
一桶猫 2022-08-05
#75 Locarno Film Festival 美到极致 仿佛世界尽头
凪 2022-08-07